Masai Mara National Park
This will be a day of tracking game with your guide and is the climax of game viewing. The Mara’s landscape is scenic Savannah grassland on rolling hills, which enables the Reserve to attract sufficient rainfall to maintain and support a large population of herbivores, together with the predators that follow. Elephant, lion and buffalo can be seen with relative ease though luck is a necessary factor for spotting rhino and leopard that completes the big five as the two animals are very timid and sparsely numbered. Plains game like wildebeest, zebra and Masai giraffe abound as well as hippos and a wide variety of antelopes including impala, dik dik, hartebeest and both the Grant’s and Thompson’s gazelles among others.
Tsavo west National Park
Covers approximately 30 % of Kenya’s park area and contains a diversity of habitats, wildlife and a mountainous scenic landscape. wildlife includes leopard, cheetah, wild dogs, lion, elephants, giraffe, zebra, crocodiles, Plains game, mongoose, hyrax,, dikdik, lesser kudu and porcupine. Prolific birdlife features 600 recorded species.